What Is the Role of Sedation Dentistry?

Until a few years ago, most people in Australia did not take regular dental checkups due to the anxiety of undergoing a painful procedure. As a result, minor dental problems would get aggravated into major issues that were more difficult and costly to fix. But in recent times, people are becoming aware of the importance of sedation dentistry. Under this branch of dentistry, nitrous oxide, intravenous sedation, and a few other techniques are used to numb the oral area while treating a dental issue. These techniques are useful for people who have very sensitive teeth, or those who have a very low pain threshold. Dental sedation is especially suitable for children and old age people who usually refuse to cooperate with the dentist due to becoming terrified. Who can perform it? Well, oral sedation should be performed by experienced dentists knowing dental anesthesiologists. Some dental clinics have specialized dentist anesthesiologists for this purpose. Is it safe? Seda...